What is this thing called SEO and do I need it?
What is this thing called SEO (we’ll tell you)? Is it the next big thing in web (yes)? Do we as web site owners need it (usually)? What exactly does it do (we’ll tell you that too)?
If you find yourself asking these questions then you may not be surprised to find yourself in good company. That is because even those who are implementing SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, for their sites may not have a real understanding of what is being done and how it is helping them or if it is helping them. The other real truth is that if you have a business website then you probably do need SEO. SEO is becoming a standard requirement for anyone needing to be found on the web. And, these days, as web searches continue to replace the Yellow Pages, that is nearly everyone.
There are typically three services that sometimes get grouped into the category of SEO, but they are different. The goal of all three is the same, to be placed on the first page of search results.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice of fine tuning a website to be attractive to search engines like Google, Yahoo and others, so that your site shows up higher in their search results for searches relevant to your site. The goal is normally to appear in the first page of the search results since many people do not look beyond the first page of results.
SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. This is usually used to refer to Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, which is used to get around bad search engine ranking by buying your way to the first page in the Sponsor / Advertiser areas.
Search Engine Optimization Marketing is the practice of boosting organic search results using a variety of techniques such as “back links.” This is considered a form SEM, but since it only affects the organic results, it is different from PPC SEM.
The first, fundamental step in Search Engine Optimization is a onetime service for your site. It involves updating content in your site and updating information in the coding of the site to better reflect key terms and phrases people are using in their searches. You may come back and revisit and tune up your site periodically, but it is usually to tweak, not to rebuild, and so it is basically a fixed cost. Search Engine Marketing and SEO Marketing services, on the other hand, are continuous and continually funded and are a different service than the physical tune up of basic SEO. Although PPC SEM can be very effective very quickly if you have the budget, it is not as effective long term and is useless without continual funding. SEO Marketing, on the other hand, can be very effective medium and long term. Many website owners choose to implement SEO for long term results and PPC SEM until those results are realized.
SEO, SEM and SEO Marketing are all designed to do the same thing: get your website recognized and placed on the first page in search engine search results.
There are a lot of important factors to weigh when establishing your search engine strategy including location, type of business, online services offered, customer base and much more. Fortunately, there are professionals who can help you.
Today as web searches take the place of Yellow Pages and phone books, it is critical to have a solid presence in search results. Fortunately, the cost of Yellow Page ads can often easily cover or offset the cost of a basic SEO upgrade for your website and begin to provide longer lasting results.
Contact Think Webstore for more information on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Think Webstore is a Mississippi based company that specializes in website design, web technologies, logo design, business identity and marketing strategy. Think Webstore is co-located with Advanced Microsystems (www.advmicrosystems.com), a company specializing in computer repair, networking and network administration.
655 Lake Harbour Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Read more about SEO and SEM at thinkwebstore.com
>>SEO. What is it and do I need it?
>>Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. Are they the same?
>>Search Engine Optimization vs. The Yellow Pages
Search Engine Optimization vs. The Yellow Pages
If you like the majority of established businesses out there, after many visits and phone calls you have at least considered advertising in the Yellow Pages. If you are like many businesses, you have budgeted hundreds or thousands of dollars every year to advertise in the Yellow Pages with bold type listings, ad space and maybe even two colors.
So what is the hype with Google and other search engine searches. Well, the truth of the matter is that it is anything but hype. More and more people choose to search for business listings on their computers and phones using Google and other search engines rather than dragging out the phone book. In fact, more and more, you find people who haven’t even cracked open their phone books for the first time.
What is the interest in Google? Google makes it easy to look up just about any business by category or by name. It is so much easier that people are putting their phone books to rest.
The bad news for businesses is not that people are migrating to searches rather than using the Yellow Pages, it is that people use them differently and that the way people use search engine results id much more competitive than the way they use the Yellow Pages.
When someone is looking for a listing in the Yellow Pages, say they are looking for pizza, they will look up the category and usually scan the entire column, maybe look for another category and maybe look at the ads on the pages before committing to a phone call. That means that just being in the category may give you a fighting chance to attract some business. When people search on the internet, on the other hand, they usually have thousands of results in their list. Ironically, even with more results they tend to look at fewer. Many people don’t even look past the first page of results if there is a listing there that satisfies their need.
What does this mean for businesses? If people are choosing to use Google searches rather than the Yellow Pages and they are usually only at the first page of results, then you MUST be on the first page, which may only be 10 listings and perhaps a map with 10 listings (known as a ten pack). And the only way to get listed in the top ten is usually, you guessed it, through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or if you are willing to pay more, through payed placement using Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
The good news is many businesses have already budgeted hundreds or thousands of dollars for this exact type of advertising through the Yellow Pages. If you have been spending big money on the Yellow Pages, then you might want to consider redirecting some of those valuable marketing and advertising dollars.
Contact thinkwebstore.com for more information on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Think Webstore is a Mississippi based company that specializes in website design and web technology, logo and business identity design, marketing and business strategy. Think Webstore is co-located with Advanced Microsystems (www.advmicrosystems.com), who specializes in computer repair, networking and network administration.
655 Lake Harbour Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Read more about SEO and SEM at thinkwebstore.com
>>SEO. What is it and do I need it?
>>Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. Are they the same?
>>Search Engine Optimization vs. The Yellow Pages
SEO in Jackson, MS. What is it and do I need it?
What is this thing called SEO (we’ll tell you)? Is it the next big thing in web (yes)? Do we as web site owners need it (usually)? What exactly does it do (we’ll tell you that too)? Do I need SEO in Jackson, MS?
If you find yourself asking these questions then you may not be surprised to find yourself in good company. That is because even those who are implementing SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, for their sites may not have a real understanding of what is being done and how it is helping them or if it is helping them. The other real truth is that if you have a business website then you probably do need SEO. SEO is becoming a standard requirement for anyone needing to be found on the web and SEO in Jackson, MS is no exception. And, these days, as web searches continue to replace the Yellow Pages, that is nearly everyone.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice of fine tuning a website to be attractive to search engines like Google, Yahoo and others, so that your site shows up higher in their search results for searches relevant to your site. The goal is normally to appear in the first page of the search results since many people do not look beyond the first page of results. Optimizing for local search is also key for example performing SEO in Jackson, MS would be critical to companies serving Central Mississippi.
The first step in Search Engine Optimization is a one time service for your site. You may come back and revisit and tune up your site periodically, but it is usually to tweak, not to rebuild, and so it is basically a fixed cost. Search Engine Marketing services, on the other hand, are continuous and continually funded and are a different service than the physical tune up of basic SEO. One version of SEM, Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, is used to get around search results and buy your way to the first page. Although PPC SEM can be very effective very quickly if you have the budget, it is not as effective long term and is useless without continual funding. A second version of SEM is used to boost organic SEO results using a variety of techniques. Many website owners choose to implement SEO for long term results and PPC SEM until those results are realized. Both SEO and SEM are designed to do the same thing: get your website recognized and placed on the first page in search engine search results.
There are plenty of factors to consider when choosing your SEO/SEM strategy – Are you a local company needing SEO in Jackson, MS with local customers or do you have a regional or national presence? Do you have a physical location? Are you selling merchandise online? What domain extension are you using? There are a lot of important factors to weigh when establishing your search engine strategy. Fortunately, there are professionals who can help you.
Today as web searches take the place of Yellow Pages and phone books, it is critical to have a solid presence in search results. Fortunately, the cost of Yellow Page ads can often easily cover the cost of a basic SEO upgrade for your website and begin to provide longer lasting results.
Contact thinkwebstore.com for more information on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Think Webstore is a Mississippi based company that specializes in website design, web technologies, logo design, business identity, SEO in Jackson, MS and marketing strategy. Think Webstore is co-located with Advanced Microsystems (www.advmicrosystems.com), a company specializing in computer repair, networking and network administration.
655 Lake Harbour Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Read more about SEO and SEM at thinkwebstore.com
>>SEO. What is it and do I need it?
>>Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. Are they the same?
>>Search Engine Optimization vs. The Yellow Pages
Social Marketing is for the masses . . . or is it?
Are you wondering how to use social apps like Facebook and Twitter as marketing tools? Well, it depends.
There are ways to actively and passively use social apps to promote your business, but before you get too excited, take care. Amateur use of these mediums often results in poor results. In social marketing, it is critical that advertising is not seen as advertising. If it is, 4 in 5 times you will lose.
Social marketing is about value. What does that mean for your business? How does it play with your website design, branding and web presence? Come in for a consultation. We will discuss what it means for your business specifically. And, get ready, it turns out to be a lot of fun in addition to rewarding when you utilize social channels the right way.
For more information on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Marketing tools and strategies contact us directly or, if you are in the Jackson, Mississippi area, we encourage you to stop by for a tour of our facilities and a quick, obligation free conversation.
Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. Are they the same?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are often confused for each other or are grouped together, much like people mistakenly group advertising, marketing and sales (a topic for a separate discussion). The fact is that they are separate practices.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an internal practice involving physically tuning up your site (the public side and the code side) so that it is appealing to search engines. Properly done, it can help you, immediately and over time, improve your ranking on the organic side of search results. Evaluating your site and code and appropriately integrating the content that is greatly sought by searchers in combination with specific registrations can have a substantial impact on your search engine placement.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) takes on two fundamental forms, organic and paid. Paid SEM is the practice of placing paid ads with search engines, which often appear to the right and above organic results. There is certainly a science and art to this practice but that is the fundamental behind the practice. Organic SEM strategies help to move a site up in the organic rankings. In either case, SEO is a practical and critical first step to any search engine based optimization or placement strategy.
Contact thinkwebstore.com for more information on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Think Webstore is a Mississippi based company that specializes in website design and web technology, logo and business identity design, marketing and business strategy. Think Webstore is co-located with Advanced Microsystems (www.advmicrosystems.com), who specializes in computer repair, networking and network administration.
655 Lake Harbour Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Read more about SEO and SEM at thinkwebstore.com
>>SEO. What is it and do I need it?
>>Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. Are they the same?
>>Search Engine Optimization vs. The Yellow Pages
How’s that logo?
Logos are a specialty here at thinkwebstore.com. Whether you have a logo that needs upgrading, or are starting from scratch, we are ready to create a logo custom fit for your needs. So, how is that logo?
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